"Not much different from mainland Europe, the general British public increasingly feel that they are treated unfairly by their own justice system."

Not much different from New York City and America at large.....

Wiltshire is (was?) lovely. I lived in the UK for several years, including a year's stint in Birmingham. I'm told that city, and most of England, has become unrecognizable due to the changes you chronicle here. There is diversity, and then there is deliberate cultural deconstruction, a la cultural Marixsm alive and well in the UK. Your friends should stay on the American ranch, and live free or die......

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Agreed. The destruction of culture in Europe has gone so far that some leftist European elites will claim that their national identity 'has no culture.' If so, then how come I associate Tuscany with the Rialto Bridge, Puccini, pasta and Sangiovese? There is a charm to having nation states that have a dominant culture, so that when I go to Florence, I can expect to find more pizzerias than either burger bars or kebap joints.

I am encouraging everybody to live free or die. It's easy to find like-minded people in New Hampshire, but in Old Hampshire that slogan might actually be interpreted as 'incitement to violence.'

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Ah, Firenze. What an amazing place. And yes the "real" pizza.

The Japanese are trying to preserve their culture too, as are the Scots. Meanwhile, the US-culture-hating libs are trying to revive dead indigenous cultures to appropriate as their own. Dystopia, chosen.

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I wish the Scots were doing more to preserve their culture. One of the first nations to embrace Enlightenment, it also has become one of the first to abolish it. In Scotland, it is now possible to be arrested for saying whatever is deemed 'hate' inside one's own home: https://www.theepochtimes.com/world/scotlands-dangerous-hate-crime-law-coming-into-effect-next-month-5606546

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Well, that's true. Their openness has been repaid with closedness and cultural destruction. But indeed their kilts and haggis need preserving, if we are to have true cultural diversity over time. The boiling pot of global Marxism grinds everything into a blender of mindless uniformity and blind consumption.

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The Neapolitans are making their claim to the original pizza in the USA. It is easier than ever to find good (albeit expensive) European-style pizza here.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.


Broken minds, weakened intellect, destroyed critical-thinking, ..

A generation after the 1973 Row-Wade spreading Abortion hear and across West, the real population controlling real powerful families knew the hard work was over.

Only finish genocide of indigenous whites to rid the sharper harder to rule group, and replace .. all out in the open and with minds-broken evil-Blinded, we are defenseless.

Abortion and Western-wide World-wide Darkened Intelect and damage to intellectual mental faculties.

As a young man at University I took a medical ethics course where essays on Abortion debate were considered and discussed, yet no argument against abortion presented in course or I ever heard were anything as decisive as the one argument inspired to me after learning some Traditional Catholic Theology, St. Thomas Aquinas' break-down of mental faculties and the damage we induce to Sin, the Darkening of Intelect.

This argument avoids the baby-killed and all the Secular Satanic distractions of when after conception is it wrong to kill them, their rejection of the Truth of Conception as Holy Significant Truth of Life.

The argument is further shown true by the continued increased state of insanity, Sin, Sicken souls, Sicken Church, ... anyone my age or older (and many younger) can verify in personal experience and memories of this rapid and increasing drop down Jaccob's Ladder deeper into Hell.

The Argument simply brings Clarity of the damage done to us all when from our crib we are indoctrinated to believe the clearly insane - that it is acceptable that mothers may kill our babies, siblings, grandchildren, .. on their whims. That belief is socially, legally, Sick womanhood, and others re-enforced and to object from crib is punished in often psychological damaging ways by them and our mothers.

If our intellect and judgement is so damaged and weakened to believe this insane thing is acceptable, what cannot also be made acceptable - sterilizing or sexually mutilating children? Sex is changeable. Open televised Genocide is okay?

Of course, the damage to womanhood is significant. If she believes she may kill her baby, the dehumanizing of self and others into inconvenient group of cells has been done, and she with that Power of Murder, why not False-Accuse, or other self, others, society damaging Sins would she consider less-then murdering babies so acceptable to do?


God Bless., Steve

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While President Trump's inauguration is stealing the limelight, there is an important update to this post.

Over in Britain, Southport stabber Axel Randankumbulana (or something like that) pleaded guilty. But the trial has revealed much more. Most shockingly, he had been flagged as a radicalizing youth as far back as in 2019, when he was only 13. Authorities had suggested at least thrice to enroll him in the 'PREVENT' terrorism prevention programme, yet never followed through. Moreover, we know he was in possession of ISIS materials, and was trying to synthesize Ricin. Yet mainstream media still maintain the story of the 'tacit, well-behaved boy whose aggression came out of nowhere.' Also, certain Brits were sentenced to jail for suggesting what is not just the obvious, but also what authorities and Keir Starmer must have known on the day of the attack, i.e. that it was a sordid act of Jihadi terrorism.

A good interview on this topic can be found here: https://www.danwoottonoutspoken.com/p/messages-i-saw-between-axel-rudakubana

And sorry, a person that abject does not merit my effort to try and find out how his real name is spelled. Nor should anyone care for how it is pronounced, or for what his pronouns are.

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The gravity of the situation is approaching pre-French Revolution levels. If the elite want to be hung on lampposts by populists carrying torches and pitchforks, they are doing a wonderful job.

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By populists, by jihadis, or just by citizens whose children have been stabbed. Either way, I agree that the situation is nearing its tipping point and it would be in everybody's best interest to avoid that, including elites. But right now, their answer seems to be 'clamp down,' a reflection of fear combined with a state of denial, which will inevitably boil the pot over, regardless if the EU closes X and Elon Musk's bank accounts or not.

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Update to this story: we meanwhile know that the Southport stabber was in possession of an al-Qaeda terror manual.

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